Source code for ndb_adapter.search_result

from typing import List
from ndb_adapter.search_report import *
from ndb_adapter.statistics import Statistics

[docs]class SearchResult(object): """Base class for search result""" def __init__(self): """Default constructor""" self._count = 0 self._report = []
[docs] def get_count(self) -> int: """Gets search results count :return: search results count :rtype: int """ return self._count
[docs] def get_report(self) -> list: """Gets search results report :return: list of search results reports :rtype: list """ return self._report
[docs] def set_count(self, count: int) -> None: """Sets result count :param count: value to set as count :type count: int :return: None """ self._count = count
[docs] def set_report(self, report: list) -> None: """Sets result report list :param report: list to be set as report :type report: list :return: None """ self._report = report
report = property(get_report, set_report, doc="Gets result report") """Search report property gets report list""" count = property(get_count, set_count, doc="Gets result count") """Search count property gets report count""" def __str__(self): return "Count: " + str(self._count) + ", Report:" + str([str(x) for x in self._report])
[docs]class SimpleResult(SearchResult): """Class for simple search result""" def __init__(self): """Default constructor""" super().__init__()
[docs] def get_report(self) -> List[SimpleReport]: """Gets search results report list :return: list of simple search reports :rtype: List[SimpleReport] """ return self._report
[docs] def download(self, download_type: DownloadType = DownloadType.Pdb, save: bool = False, target_dir: str = '') -> List[str]: """Download PDB files from NDB :param download_type: files download type (default value is DownloadType.PDB) :type download_type: DownloadType :param target_dir: where to save file (default value is current dir) :type target_dir: str :param save: tells if files should be saved or not (default value = False) :type save: bool :return: list of strings or None :rtype: List[str] """ files = [] for rep in self.get_report(): file = '' try: file =, save, target_dir) except FileNotFoundError: print("No file with pdb_id: " + rep.pdb_id) pass except AttributeError: print("Structure has not pdb_id and ndb_id in report") pass files.append(file) return files
[docs]class AdvancedResult(SearchResult): """Class for advanced search result""" def __init__(self): """Default constructor""" super().__init__() self._statistics = Statistics()
[docs] def get_report(self) -> List[AdvancedReport]: """Gets advanced search results report list. You should annotate return type depending on ReportType. :return: list of advanced search reports :rtype: List[AdvancedReport] """ return self._report
[docs] def download(self, download_type: DownloadType = DownloadType.Pdb, save: bool = False, target_dir: str = '') -> List[str]: """Download PDB files from NDB :param download_type: files download type (default value is DownloadType.PDB) :type download_type: DownloadType :param target_dir: where to save file (default value is current dir) :type target_dir: str :param save: tells if files should be saved or not (default value = False) :type save: bool :return: list of strings or None :rtype: List[str] """ try: files = [] for rep in self._report: file = '' try: file =, save, target_dir) except FileNotFoundError: print("No file with id: " + rep.pdb_id) pass except AttributeError: print("Structure has not pdb_id in report") pass files.append(file) return files except (NotImplementedError, KeyError): print("This report type doesn't support download") return []
[docs] def get_statistics(self) -> Statistics: """Get statistics of advanced search :return: statistics of advanced search :rtype Statistics """ return self._statistics
[docs] def set_statistics(self, report: list) -> None: """Sets statistic :param report: report list to be parse as statistic :type report: list :return: None """ self._statistics.set_report(report)
statistics = property(get_statistics, set_statistics, doc="Statistics of advanced search") """Statistic report property gets report statistic""" def __str__(self): return "Count: " + str(self._count) + ", Report:" + str([str(x) for x in self._report]) + \ "Statistics: " + str(self._statistics)